Did you know nearly six of ten employees are “Quiet Quitting”? This alarming trend, unveiled by a 2023 Gallup survey in their State of Work report, reflects the challenges employees face in today’s rapidly evolving business environment.


“Quiet quitting” refers to the troubling phenomenon where employees, though physically present, become mentally disengaged from their work and colleagues. This disengagement often stems from monotony, limited growth opportunities, and undervaluation or disconnection from organisational goals. When employees reach this state, they become susceptible to disengagement, affecting team dynamics, customer satisfaction, and overall productivity.


How Learning and Development Can Revitalise Employee Engagement

Learning and development (L&D) are crucial conduits toward organisational excellence, directly aligning with the assertion that “Organisational success hinges on employees being engaged, motivated, and satisfied.” This process catalyses employees’ skills, knowledge, and competencies and ensures the realisation of individual and organisational objectives. It encompasses various activities such as training programmes, on-the-job learning, workshops, coaching, mentoring, and self-directed learning initiatives.


Recognising the urgency to address “Quiet Quitting”, organisations must prioritise learning and development initiatives as it is essential for fostering employee engagement, which refers to their emotional commitment toward the organisation and its goals.


Research from Talent LMS reveals that a significant portion of employees—around 55%—feel they need additional training to excel in their roles. Investing in employees’ growth and skill enhancement fosters an environment where they feel valued, challenged, and motivated to perform at their best.


Counteracting the Effects of “Quiet Quitting” Through Learning and Development


Empowerment Through Skill Enhancement: The 2023 Workplace Learning Report by LinkedIn Learning reveals a substantial 25% growth in demand for new skills since 2015, a trend projected to double by 2027. This report showcases significant changes in the skills required for various job roles in recent years. This underscores the pressing need for continuous employee learning and development to maintain competitiveness in their fields, offering opportunities for skill acquisition that empower employees and reduce disengagement, thereby fostering a more productive workforce.


Enhanced Employee Engagement: Research consistently shows a clear link between learning opportunities and employee engagement. According to Gallup  2023, employees who’ve had chances to learn and develop in the past year are 32% more likely to feel engaged with their work. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 2022 discovered that companies with solid learning and development programs see higher levels of commitment and job satisfaction among employees. This boosts engagement and creates a positive work atmosphere that supports productivity and employee retention.


Increased Retention Rates: A recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) revealed that 94% of employees are likelier to stay with a company if it actively supports their career growth. A study published in the Harvard Business Review in 2021 established a clear connection between participation in L&D initiatives and higher employee retention rates. Investing in employees’ learning and development fosters loyalty and commitment, ultimately fostering a positive and engaged work environment.


Boosted Organisational Performance: Several studies have demonstrated the positive impact of Learning and Development (L&D) on organisational performance. For instance, a meta-analysis published in the Academy of Management Learning & Education journal in 2020, aggregating over 100 studies, revealed that employee training and development investments significantly improve engagement, productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.


Promoting Meaningful Connections: Learning and development programmes offer spaces for employees to connect with colleagues, mentors, and leaders, helping them feel like they belong and reducing feeling alone.


Alignment with Organisational Goals: When learning and development efforts align with organisational objectives, employees understand the purpose behind their professional development endeavours, reinforcing commitment and engagement.


Recognition and Rewards for Growth: Recognising and rewarding employees for their growth achievements reinforces positive behaviours and motivates continued engagement, signalling that the organisation values and invests in its talent.


In conclusion, the importance of learning and development in mitigating ‘Quiet Quitting’ – a cause of disengagement – is evident. To effectively combat this phenomenon, organisations must embrace a culture of continuous learning and development, prioritising employee growth and resilience. By doing so, they equip their workforce with the skills to thrive in today’s competitive landscape and foster sustained success.


Written by:

Oluwashola Achara

Learning Experience Designer